Raze Network: Trustless Privacy for DeFi on Polkadot

Raze Network
5 min readFeb 1, 2021



Raze aims to become a fundamental module in the Polkadot landscape for those that are concerned about preserving their financial freedom, while also maintaining auditable transparency across blockchains.

Currently an overwhelming majority of the DeFi throughput goes via the Ethereum blockchain, however in 2020, Polkadot experienced the biggest upsurge in developer activity at +44% compared to any other platform via a report by Outlier Ventures.

Development activity is a good metric to follow as it demonstrates where the technical talent is choosing to deploy their skills and build. DeFi developers appear to be looking toward Polkadot, in an effort to take advantage of fast throughput, the Substrate development framework and ultimately — interoperability.

The price of Polkadot (DOT) has grown rapidly in 2020 to be the 4th biggest project by market cap. Much of this excitement can be correlated to the potential for DeFi that is being built currently, and will be built this year on Polkadot. Raze clearly sees the potential of Polkadot, and is working diligently to become an important part of the burgeoning chain with regards to maintaining financial privacy for users.

What is Raze Network?

Raze is a trustless zero-knowledge proof system designed specifically for decentralized finance. The core aim of this project is to provide confidentiality for users while also maintaining auditable transparency across blockchains.

Raze network is a native privacy-preserving layer for Polkadot. More specifically, it will provide cross-chain end-to-end payment privacy for the entire DeFi stack. The core technical piece of the Raze network is a second-layer decentralized anonymous payment module, which will serve as a universal plugin-and-play infrastructure for the Polkadot DeFi ecosystem.

This module will be imported as a substrate-based smart contract, which allows the user to obfuscate their contract address and financial information before participating in the Polkadot DeFi ecosystem. Whether that be via DEXs, liquidity mining, loan platforms, or insurance.

How Raze Network works?

The underlying logic of Raze Network is to mint private tokens from base tokens on the contract at a minting value ratio of 1:1. zkSNARKs are key to maintaining anonymity, while also providing the required information for data parsing. It will have three technical abilities: Mint, Transfer and Redeem.

  • Mint: The mint function will convert any token into an anonymized version of itself.
  • Redeem: The redeem function will convert the anonymized token back into its native form.
  • Transfer: The transfer function is the one that enables the anonymous transfer of the token. It will conceal and protect both the anonymity of both sender and receiver, and the amount being sent.


  • Private Transaction: Users can use RAZE to empower the privacy of on-chain transactions between recipient and destination addresses and transfer any token between any blockchain.
  • Secret DeFi Bridge: Users can hide their trading history as RAZE is compatible across all DeFi products. It can be fully compatible with Uniswap, AAVE, Compound and also the evolving DeFi ecosystem on Polkadot
  • Anonymity Mining: Users can mine RAZE in a truly private way. The access to the liquidity pool always stays anonymous and secure.
  • RazeVM Integration: Builders can implement the privacy-preserving functions with an open protocol giving access to all decentralized applications.


  • Limitless and Seamless: It can connect to any unconnected DeFi or Web3.0 product and expand the capability of existing decentralized applications with RazeVM.
  • Crypto friendly and Tradable: The mint and redeem mechanism is implemented for creating private tokens. It makes intangible privacy tradable.
  • Decentralized and Interoperable: Substrate framework provides RAZE the attributes of interoperability and Raze Network is a decentralized project building open-source.

Raze Token

RAZE token plays the role of the core utility in the Raze Network ecosystem. It can capture the values included below but not limited to:

  • Privacy Preserving: RAZE gives DeFi users the ability to move between applications and blockchains seamlessly, while leaving no trace of trading history or interactions with applications.
  • Governance and Voting: RAZE token holders can create and vote for the proposals.
  • Intermediary of Exchange: RAZE token can be used for other services in the ecosystem.
  • Token Burning: A certain percentage of transaction fees are burned in the form of RAZE tokens.
  • Liquidity Reward: The market makers providing liquidity in pools will be rewarded as RAZE tokens.


2020 Q3 — Project Establishment

2020 Q4 — Draft of Whitepaper

2021 Q1 — Official Whitepaper Release

2021 Q1 — Official Website Launch

2021 Q1 — Core and zkSNARKS Implementation Release

2021 Q2 — Token and Dapp source code Release

2021 Q2 — Liquidity Reward Program

2021 Q3 — Protocol and Product Launch

2021 Q4 — Implementing the Bridge to other DeFi

2021 Q4 — Integrating More Customized Functions

About Raze Network

Raze Network is a Substrate-based cross-chain privacy protocol for the Polkadot ecosystem. It is built as a native privacy layer that can provide end-to-end anonymity for the entire DeFi stack. The Raze Network applies zkSNARKs to the Zether framework to build a second-layer decentralized anonymous module. It will then be imported as a substrate-based smart contract. The objective of Raze Network is to enable cross-chain privacy-preserving payment and trading systems, while protecting the transparency of your assets and behaviors from surveillance.

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Raze Network

Raze is a trustless zero-knowledge proof system designed specifically for decentralized finance.